


I was born on the cusp of Autumn, when Saint Martin’s summer relents and tiny ribbons of cool breeze begin to thread through our evenings. It is now that my spirit seems to both retreat and come alive all at once. Indeed it is a time most auspicious for deep introspection, and it is within these moments of excavation that I find the ensuing discovery that enlivens my very being.

When I began this project, this business, I had but one goal in mind: to make pretty things for which girls (I had never dreamed I would be making things for women and men, and lo, these style scarves are uplifting for both sexes) could find simple enjoyment, indeed a momentary feeling of radiant beauty. And within this spark I wanted for them to remember how wonderful and beautiful and special they were always meant to be. Its proven difficult, in this small corner of the internet, to compete with cheaply made, fast fashion, and the sea of other makers and sellers who may be more ambitious than I to be seen. This is what I have been thinking about, on the brink of this looming Autumn, how I can tell my story to those of you who have found me, how I can reveal my intentions. My road has been long and arduous at times. I am certain that many of you have experienced your own sundry of tribulations as have I, making the triumphs that make their way into our lives that much more sweet. I have not always been a designer, in fact, I don’t see myself as one at all. I love cloth and experimentation. I love to tinker and discover. I love the feel of things in my hands. I love that moment of electricity when something resonates. It is my absolute passion and pledge to share my experiments with you, my discoveries, the things that I’ve found to make my life unique and wonderful and beautiful and whole and worthwhile. I am not a business, but a voice, a spirit just like you who is deeply in love with life, and who very much wishes the same joy and love and passion that I feel today. For I know how challenging life can be, and if I can remind someone of their beauty, their individuality for one moment, then I am humbled by it and encouraged to continue with what I do.

As always, 100% organic linens, conceived, hand-dyed and sewn be me in my tiny studio. 68.5” L x 16.5” W. I am so happy you found my little shop. Happy burgeoning autumn, beautiful souls. May you never forget how special, how perfect and lovely and wonderful you are. xo.

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