Hand Stitched Triple Moon Scarf

Hand Stitched Triple Moon Scarf


Did you know that Jupiter has 79 moons? And that Saturn has 82? I don’t know about you, but I’m drawn to the moon (can you tell? lol). In the tarot, the moon represents the shadow side of things, things that are hidden or not yet revealed. For me, this symbolizes life itself, that we must seek our path and that things are revealed as we learn about ourselves along the way. Give me the moon, with her hidden meaning, her mercurial nature, the gifts that we discover in life that make it so wonderful.

This scarf is wider than I usually make them, measuring 18.5” wide, and 72.5” long. Hand stitched seams and 100% organic indigo-dyed linen, dyed by me. The long strip of the darkest blue is antique, Japanese, handwoven organic indigo-dyed textile. This dark beauty will look swell around your lovely neck.

Hashtag: gender-neutral.

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