Indigo Moon et al.

Indigo Moon et al.


An artist keeps no hours. All hours of the day an artist works. When the artist lies in bed at night, she/he dreams about, thinks about, plans for the next thing. A fusillade of inspiration hits when one leasts wants it. 2am. 3am. in the shower when pencil and pad are so, so far away. Many wet floors happen in the artist’s life. When the image comes, we are helpless to it. The work is endless. There is no beginning and no end. There is no retirement. There are no ‘days off’. It always makes me chuckle when people believe that artists aren’t serious, that we don’t ‘really’ work. The artist is a consummate workaholic. We just happen to love what we do.

This style scarf just sort of happened. Well, the indigo moon was planned. The rest happened at the drafter, which is now a mess with 15 different linens as I tried to harmonize things. This is, hands down, my favorite scarf this month. The indigo is so deep, the moon is so bright, the rust is terribly urban. And of course, the splash of sulphur. What is it about that linen that I love so much…

All gorgeous, wobbly organic linen. Rust and indigo dyed by natural means in my workshop. 69”L x 18”W. Thank you for choosing artisan goods. You are supporting a labor of love. xo.

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