Indigo Moon: A Style Scarf

Indigo Moon: A Style Scarf


Indigo is a wild thing. It’s not a typical dye. You don’t just dip a piece of fabric into a pool of blue. In fact, the indigo vat is brown. It must be brown if you are to arrive at this blue that you see here. If your vat is blue, it won’t dye at all. You must enter the vat as slowly as possible, like monk-slow, and hold your piece there for a protracted period of time, pull it out, rinse/oxidize it, and repeat. When you pull it out, it’s not blue, no, it’s green, and before your eyes the blue blossoms in shades of sky. In order to get a deep blue, you must dip repeatedly, 8, 10, 12 times. Something like this indigo moon would take an entire day of dipping and rinsing and oxidizing. True indigo is not easy. True indigo takes time, patience, trust. There is a silent communication between you and your vat, this which must be fed every day to keep its ph level just right. It’s easy to use chemicals and commercially prepared indigo. That’s not indigo. That’s something that was made to feed the masses in keeping with their hunger for fast, disposable fashion. It’s filled with inorganic compounds and lacks soul. True indigo speaks to your soul, and it will reward you for your patience.

For the nocturnal soul. This organic, natural linen style scarf has been hand-dyed in my organic indigo vat which has given me more treasures than I could have ever dreamed of. 70” x 16.5”. Thank you for buying handmade. You are part of a revolution, did you know?

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