A Pastiche of Organic Linens

A Pastiche of Organic Linens


This is my therapy. Making things. When I don’t make things, I wane a little. I have to make something every day. I made this style scarf the week I got back from the Bay Area market. By all rights I should have taken a break, but I didn’t. I was exhausted, yet I made this scarf and a few other things, and it was more difficult than usual. In fact, I rarely face difficulty in my studio unless I am very tired. I learned my lesson that while one may feel the impulse to create, one must also rest. I took this past week off then. I rested and I worked on my art. No garments. No scarves. Just art. And the funny thing is, during my art week I made something that I had been wanting to make for a very long time and I worked it into my clothing line. You will see it very soon. The point that I’m trying to make is that we all need to take time to rest, to play, to dream, and to create something purely for fun. You never know what will come of it, and even if it is ‘merely’ enjoyment that you get, this bit of soul sustenance is just as necessary all the business that we seem to be very good at.

A pastiche of organic linen with a healthy rust-dyed bit and a slip of indigo-dyed. Hand stitched embellishment. 76” x 16”. Thank you for choosing my shop. It means the world to me. Honestly. xo

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