Liminal Moon

Liminal Moon


Our moon ebbs and flows in her energy. In waning days, we go within. We reflect on the path behind us, and we release the things that bind us. During this ebbing moon, we don't go dormant, rather, we spend this time planning, using the lessons we've learned in our years as lodestars. When our moon waxes, we submit our pleas, we build, we move, we harness her increasing energy to fuel our own. But there is a point between the two that is neither ebb nor flow. It is neither increase nor decrease, and there is no discernible light in the sky. It is here in this liminal space that the real magick occurs, a darker magick, the kind that heals all wounds, indeed it is in this phase of our moon where deep transformative work can occur. In the dark moon current, she is not absent, no, she asks us now to trust ourselves, to remember that in this time of shadow, it does not mean that there is an absence of light. All we need do is close our eyes, retreat within, and remember that she is ever present, ever bearing all the light we need to illuminate our way. You are never without light, my dear. May you remember this when things feel uncertain.

Organic linen dyed in my organic indigo vat. She is shades of deepest midnight to loveliest twightlight blue, and a swathe that echoes water currents, symbolic of the tides within the liminal mind. 68" long x 19.75" wide. This style scarf can be worn in limitless configuration.

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