Black & Tan: A Style Scarf

Black & Tan: A Style Scarf


Do you know what a black and tan is? It’s a mix of two beers, a stout and an ale. The very hues of this scarf.

This was one of those things that just sort of happened in the studio. I have an enormous stash of linen, and I wondered: why don’t I ever make anything black? And from this thought, black & tan was born. Rust has a wonderful affinity for black. I’ve made black and rust dyed aprons, and they are always eye-catching. So, this is a theme that I have a feeling will pervade my little workshop in the upcoming months.

Made of all organic linen — a bit of black, a baby gray houndstooth, and the main body of black & tan is a putty colored linen that has been rust dyed by me in a decidedly erratic, but nonetheless pleasing way 72” W x 16” L.

Cheers to you for shopping handmade. You are making a serious and much needed difference in our ever declining culture. xo.

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